General information
Admission or access to any of the services offered at Ringwood Private Hospital is available via referral.
Your GP, physician, surgeon or allied health professional will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a private specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can organise your admission or enrolment into a program.
During your stay you will be under the direct care of this private specialist who will from time to time be assisted by other accredited private specialists or hospital staff.
Once your admission has been arranged you will be given an admission pack to be completed and returned to the hospital at least 48 hours prior to your admission, where possible.
Alternatively you may also download pre-admission forms from this website. Then please fill in the forms and return to:
Ringwood Private Hospital
36 Mount Dandenong Rd,
Ringwood East 3135
The staff of our pre-admission clinic will contact you prior to your admission to discuss your procedure, what time to arrive, what items to bring with you and fasting requirements. They will also answer any questions you may have about your stay with us.
Ringwood Private Hospital advises that you write down any questions you may have in advance and that you also document any useful information you receive regarding your procedure or stay in hospital.
In some instances, your doctor will book you in at short notice. It is important that you contact the pre-admission clinic advising us of your admission details relating to your hospital stay. It is also important to confirm your admission prior to your stay.
Contact details:
For all enquiries, registration and pre-admission,
Please contact 03 8804 4000
Hours of operation - 9.00am - 5.00pm (Mon-Fri)
Once your admission has been arranged, you may complete Admission forms online (eAdmission forms), available on the Ringwood Private Hospital website. We request that they are submitted to the hospital at least 48 hours prior to your admission, where possible.
If you prefer a pre-admission pack so you may fill in the forms by hand, please contact Ringwood Private Hospital on 03 8804 4000.Once your operation is confirmed by your private surgeon, a member of staff from Ringwood Private Hospital will contact you prior to your admission to inform you of your time of arrival, fasting details and other relevant information.
Please do not hesitate to contact pre-admission on 8804 4000 with any questions you may have.
Hours of operation are, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.
On arrival at Ringwood Private Hospital please report to the main reception where you will be directed to you.
A nurse will complete a medical assessment, answer any questions and prepare you for surgery.
Both your Surgeon and the Anaesthetist will see you prior to your surgery, they will be able to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Do not hesitate to write down questions as you think of them in preparedness
- All medication you are currently taking (in original packaging)
- Any letters from your doctor
- Blood Group card
- Cardiac card and/or book
- Contact details of your General Practitioner
- Contact details for your next of kin and a second contact person
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs Card
- Drivers licence or accepted identification
- Healthcare card
- Health history
- Medicare card
- Pension xard
- Pharmacy Entitlement Card
- Private health insurance membership card
- Relevant X-Rays
- Safety Net card
- WorkCover or Transport Accident Commission insurance details.
Please also bring the following personal items for your stay:
- A small amount of cash for incidentals
- Book, iPod, radio etc.
- Children are encouraged to bring a toy for comfort
- Comfortable daywear
- Glasses or physical aids
- Robe*
- Slippers and shoes*
- Short sleeve sleepwear*
- Toiletries (including toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, soap, shampoo and conditioner, comb or hair brush, lip balm).
* Refer to Falls Prevention below
Please leave all jewellery and valuables at home as Ringwood Private Hospital does not take responsibility for personal items.
Ringwood Private Hospital offers a range of shared and private rooms.
Private rooms are subject to availability.
If the type of room preferred is not immediately available, every effort will be made to move you to your desired accommodation as soon as possible.
Our facilities include:
- Direct dial bedside phones
- En-suite bathrooms
- Free local calls - fees apply for mobile phone and STD calls
- Nurse call handset at each bed
- Personal televisions
- Private and shared accommodation.
Other facilities and services include:
- Electrical appliances
- Hairdresser available on request (fees apply)
- Interpreters available
- Massage and aromatherapy
- On-site parking is free of charge
- Outdoor visitors' area
- Pastoral care
- Visitors’ meals (fees apply)
- Visitors' tea and coffee making facilities.
For safety reasons, all electrical appliances brought into hospital require testing by the nurse in charge, prior to them being used within the hospital.
Ringwood Private Hospital aims to provide you with a selection of appetising meals to provide the appropriate nourishment to aid recovery. Special dietary requests can be met if required and a dietician is available upon referral from your doctor.
In the interests of healthcare and patient comfort, smoking is not permitted anywhere in the hospital building or grounds.
Please leave all jewellery and valuables at home as Ringwood Private Hospital does not take responsibility for personal items.Please bring the following paperwork with you for admission:
Essential information prior to surgery
To enable us to contribute to the provision of a safe and efficient experience, please find listed some information to consider before your hospital admission.
- Bring any papers or forms given to you by your surgeon, including any doctor referral letters
- Bring all relevant x-rays, scans or MRI's
- Ensure you have your spectacles or hearing aids with you
- It is important to arrive punctually for your appointment to allow time for preparation; if you think you will be late please telephone the hospital
- Please bring any medications you are taking and a detailed list
- Please leave any valuables and jewelry at home as we are not responsible for lost or stolen items
- You might find it beneficial to bring a book or (toys for children) while waiting for theatre.
Please also bring the following personal items for your stay:
- A small amount of cash for incidentals
- Book, iPod, radio etc.
- Children are encouraged to bring a toy for comfort
- Comfortable daywear
- Glasses or physical aids
- Robe*
- Slippers and shoes*
- Short sleeve sleepwear*
- Toiletries (including toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, soap, shampoo and conditioner, comb or hair brush, lip balm).
* Refer to Falls Prevention below
Ground Floor
- Bookings and Patient Admissions
- Chemotherapy
- Day Surgery Unit
- Derwent Ward
- HPS Pharmacy
- Main Reception
- Medical Consulting Suites
- Medical Records
- Operating Theatres
- Patient Accounts
- Radiology
- Radiotherapy
- Thompson Ward.
First Floor
- Nuclear medicine.
Second Foor
- Macalister Ward
- Oncology Liason Nurse
Your safety is of paramount importance to us therefore we ask that you take some simple measures to assist us.
- Comfortable daywear should be trip hazard free
- Robe should be at knee length
- Sleepwear should be at knee length
- Slippers, socks and shoes should be non-slip and flat.
At Ringwood Private Hospital we are committed to providing first class health care to Australia's servicemen and women, past and present.
As a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) partnering hospital, DVA patients have immediate access to our care, without the need for prior approval in most cases.
We also provide help and support through our Veteran Liaison Officer who is available on 03 8804 4000.
We have been awarded Preferred Provider (Tier 1) status for most procedures.
Gold card Department of Veteran's Affairs patients will be admitted without prior approval.
As this is a very personal and individual consideration, Ringwood Private Hospital encourages you to advise staff of any requirements you may have.
We can arrange for your preferred pastoral visitor to visit you at your request in the hospital.
Please discuss you requirement with the Unit Manager of your ward.
Discharge time from hospital is between 9.30am and 10.00am daily. Please arrange for your carer to collect you from the hospital by 10.00am.
Before you go
Before you leave hospital, make sure that you or your carer:
- Collect any X-Rays or imaging tests performed
- Collect medication that will be required
- Finalise your account
- Know what further care you require at home
- Know when and where your follow up appointments are.
Staff will instruct you as to whether you need to visit reception before leaving the hospital to ensure that you are discharged from our system and to finalise your account.
In the majority of cases the hospital will claim directly to your health fund.
You will be required to pay any amounts not covered by your health insurance fund and for claims that are rejected by health funds, at the time of discharge.
Transport Home
For the first 24 hours after any procedure it is important that you:
- Do not drink alcohol
- Do not drive a car
- Do not make complex or legal decisions
- Do not remain on your own (unless approved by your specialist).
We advise that you should be in the company of a responsible adult for 24 hours after a procedure and you must have somebody escort you home from the hospital.
At the end of your stay with us you may need to see a discharge clerk on the Ground Floor to finalise any outstanding charges you may have incurred during your stay.
Please note that medical, allied health, radiology, pathology and pharmacy will be billed separately by the relevant provider, after your stay.
Hospital Fees
Hospital Staff at the front office are available to discuss the hospital fee structure and patient accounts.
They can be contacted on extension 03 8804 4000 on Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.
An estimate of your hospital expenses will be provided to you prior to admission. Please note that it is only possible to provide an estimate of the eventual hospital costs, as the surgical or medical services may change during the patient’s stay following further examination.
The extent of these changes depends on the type of procedure and the services provided to the patient during their stay and the level of insurance cover they have.
Methods of payment accepted are credit card (fees apply), EFTPOS and cash only.
Ringwood Private Hospital does not accept personal cheques as payment.
Patients with Private Health Insurance
Ringwood Private Hospital is recognised by all major health funds. Please discuss your hospitalisation with your health fund if you are in any doubt as to what benefits may apply, or ask to speak to admissions or discharge clerk. If you have health insurance, it is important for you to check the following with your health insurance fund:
- Your insurance covers the cost of the procedure/operation and accommodation
- If you will need to pay an excess as your health fund may only pay for part of the account
- You are fully insured for the required treatment.
You should also contact your health fund if:
- You have been with the health fund for less than a year
- Your condition, or any symptoms of your condition, existed before joining the fund
- You have changed the level of cover or fund.
You will receive separate invoices for these services:
- Your doctor or specialist who's fees will be billed separately
- Allied Health practitioners who may bill separately.
If for any reason your health insurance fund rejects your hospital claim, you will be liable for the full cost of hospitalisation.
Patients with Worker’s Compensation or Motor Accident Insurance Cover
It is the patient’s responsibility to provide details of their claim and approval to their doctor prior to a booking being made.
You also need to ensure that the hospital is supplied with a letter from the respective body accepting liability for your admission.
If you do not supply the hospital with proof that the claim has been accepted by the relevant third party, full payment will be required at the time of your admission. Work Cover and TAC patients are only covered for hospitalisation in shared accommodation.